Tuesday, 21 August 2012

A Surpise in Surrey...

When driving through the rural landscape that is Wales, Morgan turned to me and said "You don't have sheep in Surrey do you?" Despite my protests that there are sheep in Surrey (although admittedly a lot less than in South Wales) Morgan was adamant that sheep did not exist in Surrey since he hadn't seen any since he moved there a year ago. "And there aren't any cows either!"

Fast forward no less than 48 hours later to today. I had a little spare time before Morgan would be finishing work so I decided to take an impromptu stroll along the River Wey. As children we used to go for lots of walks here with friends and family and I'm not sure why I hadn't been for so long since the scenery is just beautiful!

I even found the little bridge Emma, David and I used to get ridiculously excited over since it was child size only!

But best of all, on my walk I found...


I hope my discovery will help Morgan feel a little less homesick now that he knows the sight of sheep is just a short, picturesque walk away.

P.S. Did you know there are more sheep than people in Wales? According to these statistics there are 3 sheep to every person living in Wales. Of course you did!  However, did you know sheep can dance?

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