
One of the best things about being an infant teacher is you get to listen to children's logic all day as they learn and grow. I wish I could remember just half of the things the children have told me or their friends so I am going to keep a record here of my favourites.

Talking about learning to read: "When I grow up I'm going to be a policer and I will put a word of the day on the board."
 I just love the mental image I get when I imagine this boy as a sergeant teaching his policeman a new word each day when they get to work.

A child starting school comes out of the toilets with the hand dryer and says to his teacher "I've just gone through the tumble dryer!"

A child in my class was lounging in the book corner when I asked her to help tidy up the classroom.
"But why did you make it so comfortable in here then?"
Well that's me told!

Talking about the children's aspirations for the future, here are a couple of cute ones:
"I want to be a submarine driver and see the fish" - I keep picturing an underwater bus driver!
"I want to be a businessman" And what would your business be? "I'm going to loan out pets. I think I'll need lots!"

Just an out of the blue conversation: "I've met God." You have met God? "In real life. He's in Africa."

Just an example of how delightful my children can be, and how unique their viewpoints are! "You're old! You're older than a double decker bus!"

Talking about the red pages of a story book where a man is completely red. "I've seen a red man before! Have you? "Yes, I saw him in China." 

Parent conferences day and one child asks if I will be teaching them this afternoon. "Not this afternoon." I reply. "I'm speaking to the mummys and daddys today." "I know what it is" says the child. "It's parent con, com, compensations!" Haha there is no way I am compensating anyone!

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