Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Our New Home

Here are our before pictures of our new home. I'm sure the after pictures will be  arrive in about five years time...

Our first picnic in the house


come on inside


the living room


dining room




going upstairs



our bedroom 


front bedroom

and now..


The 'box' room

and now...

less boxy!

our garden!

Hope you enjoyed the tour, come back soon(ish) and see how we get on transforming it from 1960 to 2013!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

What happened to Linsey...

Hello dear blogger friends! Apologies for the long absence, it was never intended but life got a little busy (as you shall soon hear) and I did disappear for a little while. However, I am back with lots of updates and no plans to go AWOL in the near future!

So, I need you all to come back in time with me to September 2012. Life was tootling by quite nicely when something super exciting and wonderful happened; Morgan and I found our perfect home and our offer was accepted!

Hurrah! We cheered a lot, I bounced around A LOT, and we spent the next few months keeping our fingers crossed that it would all go through and stalking our house ( if it is possible to stalk a stationary building) on a weekly basis. By November we were pushing through the final details and I excitedly started packing up my belongings (hence no home computer, therefore, no blog) thinking we would be in our house by the end of the month.

But of course things don't always pan out the way you would expect them to, so after a few delays we finally completed on the 14th December, incidentally my sister Emma's birthday. Hurrah some more! That evening we picked up the keys and rushed excitedly over to the house, with my mum, dad and brother following behind us. After minor difficulties (no lights, front door that we couldn't open) we were in, and in my case bouncing around each room.

On 27th December we arrived back from a Christmas in Wales to move into our new home!

So dear friends, that is my excuse for going AWOL for the past couple of months but I am back! Prepare for a lot of boring house talk and all that 2013 is bringing our way xx